Monday, August 3, 2009

or so he says

reality check between crossroads. a path created meandering towards every section. long way two cars collided after long journeys, sad to see. long way two pigeons, strangers are now flying together to uncertain journey. happy to see. long way two rivers collided creating a fast flow stream for the year 2011. glad to see. long way two melodies united to sync in a hymn to be recorded. joyful tears i see.

traitors they say in a red sea in the grand old lay i see. such a shame. they come they go with money you have given them you idiotics red sea. they eat you five zero. yet you are still creating waves. pure stupidity. come this sunday the traitors will once again create red sea for their homeland but with "i am a traitor! big time" still implanted on their foreheads.

rush hour ahead. once again repeated mode. every year the pattern is quite the same. simultaneously considering every year for bye bye mode. but the world needs papers to go. traffic cameras flashing non stop on plate numbers.

do or die. its within my limits. i dont know when to stop.
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