Monday, June 23, 2008


over the weekends, not much things happened, though but hmmmmm... there's NASA rocket exploded somewhere near Maxwell Rd on Friday.

saturday helped out Dewi's fyp, finishing her pamphlets and a booklet. Spent the night with Winning Eleven on the xbox. oh yeah, Holland are out of the Euros, Hiddink is the official traitor of the year. kicking out his own native country. so it'll be Germany vs Turkey and Russia vs Spain. at this moment i would love to see the "underachievers" Espana to win the Euros, (though i know Germany has got the mentality to win the Euros) but i passed it.

sunday was the day i hate most for all the se7en days. but in the afternoon went to catch "You dont mess with the Zohan", f**king funny movie. would rate it at 4 out of 5 (coz im pro Adam Sandler's movies).. it was funny with Rob Schneider acting as a Palestinian, but theres a message behind the movie. Do watch it, its as good as hummus. hahahahah.

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